Past Barks

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The One Eyed Demon

    First, let me apologize for the length of time I've been gone. We went on vacation and came back to disaster... of the natural type, of course. Some of you are aware that I live in Colorado, and that over the last week, Colorado has been exposed to some pretty nasty flooding... I'm fairly certain that most of the water is quarantined in my basement and the ECM of my car (whole different story). This is what it looked like around the corner from me:

Pile onto that that we're moving, and I'm crazy packing lady... We're not leaving for another three weeks, but already 3/4 of my house is packed up... to include any and all silverware. Because I'm awesome like that.

Without further ado:

The Doofy Dog Blog Presents:
Percy The Wonder Dork & The One Eyed Demon

To tell you this story properly, I must first introduce the one eyed demon that lives with us::

Today, after almost completely packing the office, my husband and I sat down to watch our current favorite show, Burn Notice. The Munchkin was down for a nap and we figured we'd enjoy the hour of silence. Not so.
As my husband brought up the X Box main page, it informed him that he had a free game waiting for him because of his gold membership! Awesome, right?
Well, I guess so. He was excited anyway. I could care less. 
Anyway, as his game is downloading, he's pushing buttons and just as Percy walks past the X Box, the disc tray pops out. 

What happened you ask?  He FREAKS out. Jumps back, perks his ears up, cocks his head to the side and starts to growl. 
Really dog? Really?
Then, he hides from it. No seriously. Look:
All we could do was LAUGH. I felt so bad for him, but at the same time it was SO funny. Of all the things to scare the snot out of this dog... The X Box? Really. Now he's sitting there watching it like a hawk and grumbling at it every few minutes.

So, now that YOU know that at least one of my dogs is certifiably crazy, tell me a story about YOUR dog that made you laugh until you had to check your pans.

All My Paws,

1 comment:

Tina St Pierre said...

lily is scared of her reflection on our windows at night if I leave the blinds pulled up