Past Barks

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dog Stuff To Love #1

  I had the pleasure on Saturday, August 17th, to go to the Denver Pet Expo at the Denver Merchandise Mart. There were TONS of exhibitors, fun things to do, cheap vaccinations and microchips, and so much to look at my eyes nearly popped out of my head.
   I have a routine when I go to these things - I leave my debit card at home and only pull out a small amount of cash. Doing it that way keeps me from spending money I shouldn't be spending, and encourages me to collect business cards from vendors that I'd like to buy from in the future. This particular expo, I took $120 with me and still came home with $5, in spite of buying the things I'm listing below (And more, I'm only posting products that I could find websites for, because there's no point in describing it if I can't tell you where it came from!)

As a groomer, I've been curious for a while about shampoo bars, just like a regular bar of soap we'd use for  our body, but designed and pH balanced for dogs. Another groomer at the salon I work at has one for cats, and loves. it. During the expo, I had the joy of stumbling on the booth for Magical Michael's Garden and their fantastic Beaudacious Bubbles line found here. I bought both scents Made by hand in Cave Creek, Arizona (My home state!). I was very please at how shiny and soft they left my dogs' coats feeling, and how incredible they smell. They also left my hands super soft, and best of all, I felt I had more control over where the soap was going than I do with traditional liquid shampoos - I will definitely buy this product again!

  Next in line is Tino's Dog Couture found here, where I bought their beautiful Lola collar for Bridget, our Cocker Spaniel / Dachshund mix's first Gotcha Day (coming up on the 27th of this month). Their collars come in several sizes, beautiful patters, and can be purchased with or without bow ties. The packaging is very posh and isn't difficult to open (OMG, you mean its not fort Knox?!). Its a beautiful watch style box which the collar sits beautifully in without getting wrinkled. This makes them very easy to try on and see the adjustments - the tag is on the end so there is no worry about trying to adjust before buying - in fact, they encourage it! The easy adjustment was a huge plus for me (my hands don't always work the way they used to prearmy now) and the color is just beautiful. I'm totally in love with Tino's, and it helps that their mascot is too adorable for words!

The next product is the Deer Antlers from The Peak Antler Company found here. I love antlers, so, so much. They last forever, they don't smell or make a nasty mess, won't stain, and did I mention that they last FOREVER? Seriously. Our golden is a serious chewer, I'm talking he can destroy most chewies in about ten minutes - Percy has had his almost six months and its still hanging around even with daily destruction attempts! Unlike Rawhide and nylabones they are fully digestible, and when you think about how long they last, totally worth the price. 

Lastly, though I haven't actually purchased my own yet (we're in the process of customizing it) the aprons from Barking Bitches found here are absolutely bitchin'. No, seriously, there's no other way to put it. The customer service is absolutely incredible too, Ken is accomodating, friendly and fun to talk to. Currently he and I are in the process of finding the perfect fabric to craft a grooming apron from and I am looking forward to it. After seeing the ones he had on display at the expo, I'm very excited to be working with him, and I know my apron will be nine kinds of fabulous! Best of all, Barking Bitches proceeds help to benefit animal related nonprofit organizations - who could say no to that??? Unfortunately, I didn't snag a picture of this beautiful work, and they don't have any posted on the site just yet, but if you go look at their other work, including clothes made for dogs, you'll die of awesome (I'm not responsible if you truly do die of awesome, because I warned you, damnit!) 

Happy shopping, everyone!!!
If you've seen, purchased, or received something fantastic related to pets, I want to hear about it!!!

All My Paws,

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