Past Barks

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Abscence of Your Bark

  Please excuse the extreme timeframe between my posts. Our lives have been incredibly busy since October! We have moved states and started a new chapter in our lives - things have been interesting. I also apologise if the grammatical and spelling side of this post is insane, I'm posting from my Nook!

But let's start this post in earnest.

The Doofy Dog Blog Presents:
The Absence of Your Bark
A Poem
A. Colson

I've started these lines 
a million times
And felt the pain of loss
I've cussed and cried 
and wondered why
You had to leave my side
The absence of your bark
My dear
Leaves craters in my heart
The cold wet nose
That was so close
A distant memory
It seems just yesterday I held you
And everything was fine
I keep expecting
To see you
To hug you like you're still mine
I've cried until it hurts
I've cried until I can't
I've cried until I can't remember
Whatever started this rant
I miss your soft fur
The gold inside your eyes
I remember your last day
Your soft and painful cries
I can't understand why
Dogs can't live forever
I hate that you guys die
The absence of your bark
My dear
Leaves my ears so empty
We used to cuddle
Love, and play
And fill my days aplenty
If I could spend one more day
The hotdogs would never end
The belly rubs would last forever
I'd hold you close, my friend
I'm getting used to it now
My love
The absence of your bark
But I will carry you every day
Inside my wounded heart.

A few days before Thanksgiving 2013, my beautiful Bobsie, who will forever be my Heart Dog went over the Rainbow Bridge. I spent seven of her 16 beautiful years with her. She was my grooming guinea pig when I was first learning, my strength to leave an abusive relationship, my inspiration to keep going in the army, my crying shoulder during my husband's deployment, my daughter's first nannydog, and the best listener to ever grace my life. At the age of 16, cancer got the best of her and we decided to leave her with as much dignity as possible. She was even graceful in her passing.

I have lost many dogs in my life, each special in his or her own way, and it is never easy, but even now, in January, almost two months after her passing, my heart is still heavy. 

There are those who tell you yo get over it. She was just a dog... and I feel sorry for those people, because they don't know the friendship and loyalty that all dogs are capable of, the reason that no dog is ever "just a dog".

Those of you who have lost your beloved furkids, please feel free to post photos and memories of them in this post. They will always be special to us, no matter how long it has been.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love you, my friend. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful creature. Thank you for sharing a small glimpse of your Angel with us. <3