Past Barks

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Groomer's Day Before Christmas

    I'm having one of those weeks where I have no life... Being on strict restriction so that I don't pop this munchkin out too early is clearly fucking with my sanity, but I was highly entertained by this nonsense that I came up with, and I hope you are too. Please don't take it too seriously and get pissed, it's all in fun!!!

Without FURther ado.

The Doofy Dog Blog Presents
The Groomer's Day Before Christmas
By Annie Colson

Twas the day before Christmas
And all through the shop
All the groomers were pissed off
Even mom and pop
The shears were all flying
The cilppers they buzzed
All most of them could think about
Was going home to get fuzzed
When in came a client
So crazy and loud
I thought for certain 
the receptionist would be bowed
She screamed that she needed
An appointment "right now"
The shop went silent
Not even a "bow wow"
Her dog was matted
A mess most formidable
And this client, I tell you
Was anything but biddable
"I can't get you in"
Wouldn't be the answer
Our receptionist turned,
Ever the chancer 
And asked aloud
"Can anyone fit another one in?"
All the groomers they grumbled
This was a no win
From the front of the room
I heard a small squeak
One of the owners at looked at the book
Just a peek
She saw that a dog had cancelled at one
And that dog was mine
Oh, what fun. 
The woman wanted no less than an inch
I smiled and shook my head
"just a pinch
Will be all I can leave her, for you don't brush at home"
And behind me I heard
The other groomers moan
The client was heated, angry and mad
I smiled and shook my head,
"That's too bad,
For if you would brush your precious doggy
I could do what you wanted
And this wouldn't be foggy!"
She swore and she cursed 
As she stomped out of sight
"I'll be back in an hour!"
She hollared, giving up the fight.
I shook my head as I lifted the dog
Thinking this would be something
Great for my blog
When out of nowhere I felt such a pain
I knew in a moment
The dog was insane
Into my hand he sank his teeth
And try as I might
There was no relief!
He bit to draw blood, as do so many
And this was was just evil
With snarling aplenty!
I finally removed my hand from his mouth
And realized that this day was not salvageable
It had gone all the way south.
I retired to the hospital with tears in my eyes
Already knowing that the owner
Would claim these were lies
This is a groomer's Christmas week
No matter how well we do
Things are always this bleak
So to all of you now trying to squeeze in
We can't all win!
Book your appointments earlier
Then we wouldn't have to play this game
To see who can be surlier!
For those of you clients who book Christmas right
Merry Christmas to you all
And have a fluffy, good smelling night. 

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