In honor of today being National Dog Day, I've decided to name all of the things that are WONDERFUL about our furry friends....
Without FURther ado,
The Doofy Dog Blog Presents:
Wonderful Whiskers: The National Dog Day Blog
1) You can blame your farts on them, and they don't get mad.
See? She still gives me kisses. |
2) They gleefully announce your homecoming with all the enthusiasm of a demented, grossly underpaid servant of a royal family announcing big wigs entering a party EVERY TIME you come home.
3) They never hesitate to cuddle - it's an opportunity to get you back for accusing them of busting ass - my dogs can dutch oven with the best of them.
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Notice the widely spread back legs... That's so he can cover maximum area with his ass stench. |
4) They don't complain when you watch 57 episodes of Grey's Anatomy in a row.
5) They're great at helping with household chores, like laundry.
She's so fucking helpful it hurts. |
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8) Their breath smells like heaven for the first few weeks of their lives, then after that it smells like ass... But they don't get offended if you don't accept mouth kisses (or any kisses. Whatever. They might get a little offended,)
9) Their feet smell like Fritos... It's pretty amazing.
10)They only stink if you don't bathe them... or douse them in cologne. You know. It depends on how much you suck.
11) It's optional to spend an ass load of money on good toys for them... They don't care if they get crappy hand me down dollar store toys.
Clearly, I suck a lot (this is actually in my grooming salon, but it's funny, right?) |
11) It's optional to spend an ass load of money on good toys for them... They don't care if they get crappy hand me down dollar store toys.
Ahem... Clearly my dogs don't get dollar store hand me downs... LOL |
12) They don't get made if you warm your feet on them.
13) They're great judges of character.
15) They consider anything not their normal food a treat.
Peanut butter on the nose... Both entertaining and a treat! |
16) They're a great source of entertainment. (see above photo)
17) If you get excited, they get excited.
18) They don't judge your choice in literature.
Oh, you know... HARRY POTTER and DIRTY BANG BOOKS. |
20) You ALWAYS know where you stand with a dog. It's never a guessing game.
21) You're always useful to someone, even if that use is simply opening the peanut butter.
They're waiting for me to open the peanut butter. |
22) When you DO manage to piss them off, they're only mad for a few minutes.
23) They won't ask for a sip of your wine.
25) Last but not least, if national dog day comes and goes without you mentioning it to them, they don't get pissed with you for forgetting their special day. <3
Yeah, I really need to cut his nails. |
All my paws,
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